
¡Así es! Los trabajos en español están en pleno efecto para el próximo año. Hay una gran demanda de trabajadores hispanohablantes en una variedad de industrias, incluidas la atención médica, la tecnología, la educación y los servicios.
Si habla español y está buscando trabajo, ahora es el momento de comenzar a buscar puestos. Hay muchas oportunidades disponibles, y las empresas están ansiosas por contratar trabajadores hispanohablantes.
Aquí hay algunos consejos para encontrar trabajos en español:
- Comience su búsqueda en línea. Hay muchos sitios web que enumeran trabajos en español, incluidos Indeed,Monster y LinkedIn.
- Hable con sus contactos. Dígales a sus amigos, familiares y colegas que está buscando trabajo en español. Pueden saber de oportunidades que no están publicadas en línea.
- Asista a eventos de networking. Los eventos de networking son una excelente manera de conocer a personas que trabajan en la industria en la que le interesa trabajar.
Una vez que haya encontrado algunos puestos que le interesen, es importante preparar su currículum y su carta de presentación. Asegúrese de que su currículum esté escrito en español y que destaque sus habilidades y experiencia relevantes.
También es importante practicar su entrevista en español. Practique sus respuestas a las preguntas de la entrevista más comunes y asegúrese de sentirse cómodo hablando español en un entorno profesional.
Si está preparado y tiene la actitud adecuada, puede encontrar un trabajo en español que le guste y que le pague bien.
Aquí hay algunos ejemplos de trabajos en español que están en demanda:
- Asistente médico
- Enfermero
- Técnico de TI
- Profesor
- Representante de servicio al cliente
- Vendedor
- Marketing
- Contabilidad
Estos son solo algunos ejemplos, y hay muchas otras oportunidades disponibles. Si habla español, hay un trabajo para usted. Aprenda nuevos trabajos en español aquí:
- Las principales noticias en España son el tema candente en los dispositivos móviles¡Absolutamente! La penetración de los dispositivos móviles en nuestra sociedad ha transformado radicalmente la forma en que consumimos información, y España no es la excepción. ¿Por qué las noticias en España son un tema candente en los móviles? ¿Qué tipo de noticias son las más populares en los dispositivos móviles en España? ¿Cuáles son las… Read more: Las principales noticias en España son el tema candente en los dispositivos móviles
- Prompted Las noticias en España sobre el mercado inmobiliario son buenas
- Admira las Últimas Noticias Españolas en Móviles Bolsillos¡Claro que sí! Aquí hay algunas de las últimas noticias españolas en Móviles Bolsillos: 1. El Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra se filtra en imágenes reales, mostrando un diseño familiar con algunas mejoras. El Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra es uno de los teléfonos más esperados del año, y ahora tenemos una mejor idea de cómo se… Read more: Admira las Últimas Noticias Españolas en Móviles Bolsillos
- Busca las últimas noticias en España, resultados de búsqueda de momentos online.
- Encontrar las mejores empresas de citas en EspañaClaro que sí, aquí están algunas de las mejores empresas de citas en España: Estas son solo algunas de las mejores empresas de citas en España. Hay muchas otras aplicaciones y sitios web de citas disponibles, por lo que es importante tomarse el tiempo para investigar y encontrar el que sea adecuado para usted.
- Realizing Spain News Reports es una publicación especial en EuropaSí, es correcto. Realizing Spain News Reports es una publicación especial en Europa que se centra en las noticias de España. Se publica semanalmente y está disponible en inglés y español. La publicación cubre una amplia gama de temas,incluyendo política, economía, sociedad, cultura y deportes. Realizing Spain News Reports es una publicación de referencia para… Read more: Realizing Spain News Reports es una publicación especial en Europa
- Últimas noticias históricas: La Policía de Zaragoza inicia la búsqueda del inquilino que disparó a la casera por impago del alquilerÚltimas Noticias Historia Actualidad: La Policía de Zaragoza ha iniciado la búsqueda de un inquilino que disparó contra su casera por impago del alquiler. La policía busca urgentemente a un joven que huyó por la ventana de un apartamento del cuarto piso tras una discusión con su casera por el impago del alquiler. Al parecer… Read more: Últimas noticias históricas: La Policía de Zaragoza inicia la búsqueda del inquilino que disparó a la casera por impago del alquiler
- Los trabajos en español están en pleno efecto para el próximo año Solicite puestos hoy¡Así es! Los trabajos en español están en pleno efecto para el próximo año. Hay una gran demanda de trabajadores hispanohablantes en una variedad de industrias, incluidas la atención médica, la tecnología, la educación y los servicios. Si habla español y está buscando trabajo, ahora es el momento de comenzar a buscar puestos. Hay muchas oportunidades disponibles, y las empresas están ansiosas por… Read more: Los trabajos en español están en pleno efecto para el próximo año Solicite puestos hoy
- Busca las últimas recetas en panecillos españoles en tu mesa esta noche en EspañaAquí hay algunas de las últimas recetas de panecillos españoles que estarán en las mesas de los españoles esta noche: Aquí hay una receta de pan de hogaza que puede probar en casa: Ingredientes: Instrucciones: Explore y lea los mejores resultados en España Bake Rolls en su mesa hoy.
- Obtenga más información sobre la compra de entradas en listados de lugares en españolLa compra de entradas en listados de lugares en español es un proceso sencillo que puede realizarse de forma online o presencial. Compra online Para comprar entradas online, primero debes encontrar el evento que deseas ver. Puedes hacerlo buscando en un sitio web de venta de entradas, como Ticketmaster, Taquilla.com o Entradas.com. Una vez que hayas encontrado el evento,selecciona las… Read more: Obtenga más información sobre la compra de entradas en listados de lugares en español
- Coloque la información del listado de empresas de la empresa en los resultados de búsquedaDe acuerdo, colocaré la información del listado de empresas de la empresa en los resultados de búsqueda. Para ello, utilizaré los siguientes métodos: Los siguientes son algunos ejemplos específicos de cómo se puede colocar la información del listado de empresas de la empresa en los resultados de búsqueda: Para que la información del listado de… Read more: Coloque la información del listado de empresas de la empresa en los resultados de búsqueda
- Visite los vendedores de entradas de España en líneaDe acuerdo, visitaré los vendedores de entradas de España en línea. Ticketmaster Ticketmaster es el vendedor de entradas más grande de España. Ofrece entradas para una amplia gama de eventos, incluidos conciertos, deportes, teatro y espectáculos. Visito el sitio web de Ticketmaster y busco entradas para un concierto de Alejandro Sanz en Madrid el 20… Read more: Visite los vendedores de entradas de España en línea
- Las mujeres españolas en España pueden encontrar listados de bolsos en un 50% en líneaAsí es, las mujeres españolas en España pueden encontrar listados de bolsos en un 50% de descuento en línea. Hay una serie de sitios web y aplicaciones que ofrecen descuentos en bolsos, tanto de marcas de lujo como de marcas más asequibles. Algunos de los sitios web y aplicaciones que ofrecen descuentos en bolsos para… Read more: Las mujeres españolas en España pueden encontrar listados de bolsos en un 50% en línea
- Ver las noticias más frecuentes en EspañaConozca los eventos culturales de España y el clima para pensar en mudarse en los próximos años con toda la familia. Encuentre trabajos y escuelas para el futuro. Busque listados de noticias de España aquí:
- Ver las mejores aplicaciones móviles de bolsillo Reproducir Apple Itunes favoritoAquí hay algunas de las mejores aplicaciones móviles de bolsillo para reproducir Apple Itunes favorito: Estas son solo algunas de las muchas aplicaciones móviles de bolsillo disponibles para reproducir Apple Itunes favorito. La mejor aplicación para ti dependerá de tus necesidades y preferencias.
- Busque los conciertos españoles más recientes en su vecindad localClaro. Aquí hay algunos conciertos españoles recientes en mi vecindario local: Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de los muchos conciertos españoles que tienen lugar regularmente en mi vecindario local. Si está interesado en asistir a un concierto, le recomiendo que visite el sitio web de uno de los lugares mencionados anteriormente o que busque en… Read more: Busque los conciertos españoles más recientes en su vecindad local
- Buscar Restaurantes Famosos en la Región Histórica de EspañaAventúrese en lugares de restaurante en viajes de vacaciones con toda la familia en populares cenas turísticas.
- Vea las últimas charlas en español, como noticias, deportes, restaurantes y mucho másBusque todo el contenido de noticias de los acontecimientos de España en los listados españoles en línea hoy
- Actualizaciones de noticias de España: vea los últimos tours en España en línea con la lista de canales webDisfruta de la charla y actualidad más reciente de la comunicación en España.
- Investigue las escuelas en España para obtener las mejores oportunidades en la lista de ofertas de reubicación de carreras en líneaNavega por los colegios de las comunidades españolas de la vieja y nueva España listado online de programas web.
- Spain News es fundamental para el crecimiento cultural de la comunidad españolaLas actualizaciones de noticias en español en cada cultura son importantes, debido a la ignorancia de los forasteros en la comunidad. Esto mantendrá a otras culturas informadas de los acontecimientos cotidianos en los que se da un freno de aprendizaje a los forasteros de forma regular.
- Los mejores teléfonos móviles están en los resultados de búsqueda de EspañaActualización de noticias de España: busque cientos de nuevos teléfonos celulares móviles en ofertas de descuento de comunidades cercanas. Busque en nuestros resultados web de teléfonos celulares móviles.
- Los mejores teléfonos móviles están en los resultados de búsqueda de EspañaActualización de noticias de España: busque cientos de nuevos teléfonos celulares móviles en ofertas de descuento de comunidades cercanas. Busque en nuestros resultados web de teléfonos celulares móviles.
- Los mejores teléfonos móviles están en los resultados de búsqueda de EspañaActualización de noticias de España: busque cientos de nuevos teléfonos celulares móviles en ofertas de descuento de comunidades cercanas. Busque en nuestros resultados web de teléfonos celulares móviles.
- Los mejores teléfonos móviles están en los resultados de búsqueda de EspañaActualización de noticias de España: busque cientos de nuevos teléfonos celulares móviles en ofertas de descuento de comunidades cercanas. Busque en nuestros resultados web de teléfonos celulares móviles.
- Spain police prevented priest performing last rites on murdered MP Sir David AmessPolice officers prevented a priest from performing the last rites on murdered MP Sir David Amess A priest was reportedly prevented by police officers from giving the last rites to the murdered MP, Sir David Amess, who was a staunch Catholic. Mr Amess was stabbed to death at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea, in his… Read more: Spain police prevented priest performing last rites on murdered MP Sir David Amess
- Buscar evento Gran Ola de Calor en España y FranciaÚltima charla en noticias españolas: España y el sur de Francia afectados por el segundo evento de calor extremo del año. Buscar Listado de Noticias de España.
- Buscar evento Gran Ola de Calor en España y FranciaÚltima charla en noticias españolas: España y el sur de Francia afectados por el segundo evento de calor extremo del año. Buscar Listado de Noticias de España.
- Buscar evento Gran Ola de Calor en España y FranciaÚltima charla en noticias españolas: España y el sur de Francia afectados por el segundo evento de calor extremo del año. Buscar Listado de Noticias de España.
- Buscar evento Gran Ola de Calor en España y FranciaÚltima charla en noticias españolas: España y el sur de Francia afectados por el segundo evento de calor extremo del año. Buscar Listado de Noticias de España.
- Busque restaurantes españoles en las comunidades locales para disfrutar de una excelente comidaBusca los mejores restaurantes españoles de tu zona en Spain Online Listing.
- Electricity costs to hit all-time record for a SundayElectricity costs expected to hit an all-time record for a Sunday Electricity prices are not giving the consumer any hope of a respite just yet, and as a result, tomorrow, Sunday, October 17, Spain will record its highest price in history for electricity consumption on a Sunday. Between the hours of 8pm and 9pm,… Read more: Electricity costs to hit all-time record for a Sunday
- Motley Crue frontman rushed to hospital after falling off stageMotley Crue frontman Vince Neil has been rushed to hospital after falling off stage during a concert with his solo band. Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil was performing at the Monsters on the Mountain Festival, Tennessee, last night, October 15, when the freak accident happened. According to reports, Vince had only performed a few… Read more: Motley Crue frontman rushed to hospital after falling off stage
- Informe de noticias de España: los españoles ricos se apresuran a sacar su dinero de 29 mil millones de euros ($ 33 mil millones) – Servicio de noticias del blog de EspañaInforme de noticias de España: los españoles ricos se apresuran a sacar su dinero de 29 mil millones de euros ($ 33 mil millones) – Servicio de noticias del blog de España — Read on España Últimas Noticias
- Informe de noticias de España: los españoles ricos se apresuran a sacar su dinero de 29 mil millones de euros ($ 33 mil millones)Busque noticias recientes en España sobre españoles adinerados que se apresuran a sacar su dinero de una industria de vehículos de inversión de 29 000 millones de euros (33 000 millones de dólares) mientras el gobierno cierra una laguna fiscal. Buscar Industria de vehículos de inversión en España.
- Police operation nets 38 narcos, aircraft, helicopters, and 120 kilos of hashishA huge police operation has netted 38 narcos, aircraft, helicopters, and 120 kilos of hashish Guardia Civil officers have dismantled a criminal organisation that had been importing large amounts of hashish into the peninsula, both by sea and by air. ‘Operation Limoneros’ concluded with the arrest of 38 people, who have been charged with the crimes of drug… Read more: Police operation nets 38 narcos, aircraft, helicopters, and 120 kilos of hashish
- WATCH: As a man tries to befriend a huge WILD BOARWATCH: As a man tries to befriend a huge WILD BOAR, with dire consequences In a video posted on YouTube, a man can be observed learning a quick lesson about nature. For some reason, he took it upon himself to film a wild boar that he spotted wandering into an open area, while trying to… Read more: WATCH: As a man tries to befriend a huge WILD BOAR
- Agnes Jebet Tirop’s husband arrested on suspicion of Kenyan athlete’s murderKenyan athlete Agnes Jebet Tirop’s husband arrested on suspicion of her murder According to official police reports on Twitter in Kenya, the husband of murdered athlete Agnes Jebet Tirop, has been arrested as a ‘main suspect’ in her death. The statement issued by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) came at around midnight on Friday,… Read more: Agnes Jebet Tirop’s husband arrested on suspicion of Kenyan athlete’s murder
- Four Mossos officers detained in Barcelona released at the judge’s disposalFour Mossos officers detained in Barcelona have been released at the judge’s disposal As reported in a statement by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC), the head of investigating court No1 of Rubi in Barcelona has decreed provisional freedom for four Mossos d’Esquadra officers. The four men had been detained this last Thursday,… Read more: Four Mossos officers detained in Barcelona released at the judge’s disposal
- Spanish government plans to collect almost €1,000 million in traffic fines in 2022The Spanish government plans to collect almost €1,000 million in traffic fines and charges in 2022 The Spanish Government, as stated in the draft General State Budgets for 2022, which has been presented in Congress, by 2022, will allocate the Central Traffic Headquarters (DGT), a budget of €975 million. This is 4.4 per cent higher… Read more: Spanish government plans to collect almost €1,000 million in traffic fines in 2022
- Drone rescue attempt to save dogs trapped by lava on La PalmaDrones will be used in an attempt to save dogs trapped by lava on La Palma The entire municipality of Todoque has disappeared from the map on the island of La Palma, after being devoured by molten lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano. Only a few square metres of space actually remain untouched by the magma,… Read more: Drone rescue attempt to save dogs trapped by lava on La Palma
- The world’s most powerful passport is ………The most powerful passport in the world belongs to …… Based on exclusive data provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Henley Passport Index, mining data since 2006, has calculated which countries have the most powerful, and also the weakest, passports in the world. Not taking into account current temporary restrictions due to… Read more: The world’s most powerful passport is ………
- News in Brief – Costa de AlmeriaBike thieves THE Guardia Civil detained eight people, some of them underage, accused of stealing 19 top-of-the-range bicycles in Aguadulce. The arrests culminated an investigation launched last summer into the disappearance of a number of expensive models from apartment garages. Six bicycles and 107 spare parts have now been recovered. Above board A BERJA… Read more: News in Brief – Costa de Almeria
- Young Irish man found dead in Costa del Sol swimming poolYoung Irish man found dead in a swimming pool on the Costa del Sol Spanish police on the Costa del Sol in Spain are investigating the death of a 24-year-old Irish man after his body was found in a swimming pool in the holiday resort of Marbella. Friends of the deceased reportedly found his lifeless… Read more: Young Irish man found dead in Costa del Sol swimming pool
- Moroccan tv broadcasts interfere with Digital Television signals in AndaluciaMoroccan tv broadcasts are interfering with Digital Television signals in Andalucia. Clients all over Spain’s Costa del Sol are complaining of losing their digital tv channels due to the high power at which Morocco is broadcasting its own tv channels across the continent. Being able to watch any Spanish national channels that are broadcast through… Read more: Moroccan tv broadcasts interfere with Digital Television signals in Andalucia
- Almeria drug bust breaks up ‘mafia’ in El PonientePolice have arrested 45 people and confiscated thousands of plants in Almeria drug bust The Almeria Civil Guard have in excess of 100 officers to break up a criminal group and seize more than 25 kilos of drugs. With the support of drug and money detection dogs, evidence has been found to facilitate the arrest… Read more: Almeria drug bust breaks up ‘mafia’ in El Poniente
- Green Flags flyingMOJACAR and Almeria City were the only municipalities in Andalucia to win Green Flags for glass recycling this summer. A total of 125 coastal town and city halls in five autonomous regions took part in the initiative organised by Ecovidrio, with more than 14,000 hospitality trade establishments vying to recycle more glass in July and… Read more: Green Flags flying
- Matt Hancock’s United Nations role withdrawnFormer UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock has had a job role from the United Nations withdrawn. Earlier this week, Hancock announced that he had been given a United Nations role in helping Africa’s economy recover from Covid. The UN said he had valuable experience in the role, however, it has now informed him that the… Read more: Matt Hancock’s United Nations role withdrawn
- Spain passport warning for Liverpool FC fans ahead of next weekSpain passport warning as Brits will be heading to Madrid over the coming weeks. Spain passport warning as British football fans will be heading to Madrid over the coming weeks when Liverpool FC plays against Atletico de Madrid CF. Following Brexit coming into force in January, a number of changes have impacted British visas and… Read more: Spain passport warning for Liverpool FC fans ahead of next week
- Water cuts continueLAST September, Velez-Rubio resident Andrea Lowe contacted the Euro Weekly News to tell us about her water supply problems. Andrea lives in a rural area where cuts were intermittent throughout last summer. When she spoke to us two months ago, we learnt that earlier in September she and her neighbours had no running water for… Read more: Water cuts continue
- Huge blaze involving 100 cars in Daralston causing chaosEight crews of firefighters are currently at the scene of a huge blaze involving 100 cars in Daralston, West Midlands. Eight crews of firefighters are currently at the scene of a huge blaze involving 100 cars in Tramway Close, Darlaston, West Midlands, after receiving a flurry of 999 calls at 11.30am this morning Saturday, October 16.… Read more: Huge blaze involving 100 cars in Daralston causing chaos
- Two injured in traffic accident in Almeria cityMotorists have been transferred to hospital after collision A collision between a motorcycle and a passenger car in Almeria left two people injured and needing hospitalisation this Saturday afternoon. The impact happened on the Avenida del Mediterraneo road near the National Police Station. Two people were riding on the motorcycle and the Andalusian Emergency Service… Read more: Two injured in traffic accident in Almeria city
- Motley Crue frontman rushed to hospital after falling off stageMotley Crue frontman Vince Neil has been rushed to hospital after falling off stage during a concert with his solo band. Motley Crue frontman Vince Neil was performing at the Monsters on the Mountain Festival, Tennessee, last night, October 15, when the freak accident happened. According to reports, Vince had only performed a few songs… Read more: Motley Crue frontman rushed to hospital after falling off stage
- La Palma lava stream reaches a new part of the oceanThe new lava stream on La Palma has reached a different part of the ocean According to images captured at around 11am this Saturday, October 16, by the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan), one of the streams of lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is approaching a new point on the coast of La… Read more: La Palma lava stream reaches a new part of the ocean
- Royal visitKING FELIPE VI will visit Almeria on October 29 to present the Kingdom of Spain prize. The award, which was introduced six years ago by the Circulo de Empresarios (Business-owners’ Circle) with the endorsement of Spain’s royal family, “recognises and rewards the career of a leading businessperson.” The prize this year goes to Franciso Martinez-Cosentino,… Read more: Royal visit
- Missing army sergeants body located in HuescaOfficers of the Special Group of Underwater Activities (Geas) of the Guardia Civil have located the body of missing Army sergeant, Mario Quiros Ruiz. Officers of the Special Group of Underwater Activities (Geas) of the Guardia Civil have located the body of missing Army sergeant, Mario Quiros Ruiz who disappeared last Tuesday. Ruiz was carrying… Read more: Missing army sergeants body located in Huesca
- Liverpool smash five past Watford on Ranieri’s returnLiverpool smash five past Watford on Claudio Ranieri’s return to the Premiership Claudio Ranieri’s return to management against Liverpool in the Premier League today, Saturday, October 15, was not a very memorable experience for the Italian. A rampant Liverpool team ripped his very poor Watford side to shreds. The 5-0 result at Vicarage Road was… Read more: Liverpool smash five past Watford on Ranieri’s return
- At home in AlmeriaALMERIA has become a favoured habitat for the non-native invasive tiger mosquito from south-east Asia. It was first detected in Mojacar in 2015 and according to the Society for the Study and Recovery of Almeria’s Biodiversity (SERBAL), it is now “particularly relevant” not only in Mojacar, but has also been found in Vera, Garrucha, Nijar,… Read more: At home in Almeria
- Malaga reports a slight rise in cases and coronavirus infection rateThe province of Malaga in Spain has reported a slight rise in cases and the coronavirus infection rate. The Ministry of Health has reported a slight increase in Covid cases and the rate of infections in the province of Malaga, on Friday, October 16. There have been no deaths registered from coronavirus in the last… Read more: Malaga reports a slight rise in cases and coronavirus infection rate
- Malaga reports a slight rise in cases and coronavirus infection rateThe province of Malaga in Spain has reported a slight rise in cases and the coronavirus infection rate. The Ministry of Health has reported a slight increase in Covid cases and the rate of infections in the province of Malaga, on Friday, October 16. There have been no deaths registered from coronavirus in the last… Read more: Malaga reports a slight rise in cases and coronavirus infection rate
- British soldier dies during training exercise in WiltshirePolice are investigating the incident on Salisbury Plain as soldier dies A soldier has died during a training exercise in Wiltshire this weekend, the army has confirmed. Wiltshire Today, a local news website is reporting that a tank had rolled over during the tragic incident. The soldier sustained serious injuries and was later pronounced dead… Read more: British soldier dies during training exercise in Wiltshire
- Bill Cosby could go back to jail after new lawsuitBill Cosby could go back to jail following a new lawsuit against him. Bill Cosby could go back to jail after an actress who is among those who has accused the actor of alleged sexual abuse has filed a new lawsuit against him in federal court in New Jersey in which he claims compensation of… Read more: Bill Cosby could go back to jail after new lawsuit
- La Palma in the Canary Islands hit by two powerful earthquakesLa Palma in the Canary Islands was hit by two powerful earthquakes early Saturday morning. Two earthquakes measuring 4.5 and 4.6 struck La Palma during the early hours of Saturday, October 16, morning. The quakes were detected by the 24-hour monitoring volcanic surveillance network of the National Geographic Institute (IGN). During the night, a total… Read more: La Palma in the Canary Islands hit by two powerful earthquakes
- Best selling author Carmen Mola is actually three menThe identity of Carmen Mola has been revealed, as ‘La bestia’ wins Planeta award One of the last great publishing mysteries has been solved this week as the identity of best selling author Carmen Mola has been revealed. The discovery comes after the author assured just last year that the pseudonym would remain a secret,… Read more: Best selling author Carmen Mola is actually three men
- Jail time for Brit accused of abusing 170 animalsA man has been jailed after 170 animals were found living in poor conditions on a Surrey farm in one of the UK’s biggest ever animal rescue operations. Surrey Police executed a warrant at a farm in Surrey, on 9 January 2019 as part of an investigation led by RSPCA Special Operations Unit (SOU) into concerns… Read more: Jail time for Brit accused of abusing 170 animals
- Jail time for Brit accused of abusing 170 animalsA man has been jailed after 170 animals were found living in poor conditions on a Surrey farm in one of the UK’s biggest ever animal rescue operations. Surrey Police executed a warrant at a farm in Surrey, on 9 January 2019 as part of an investigation led by RSPCA Special Operations Unit (SOU) into concerns… Read more: Jail time for Brit accused of abusing 170 animals
- No substitute for plasticsALMERIA province greenhouses generate 32,000 tons of plastics each year. This amounts to 7 per cent of the total produced by Spain’s agricultural sector, Almeria’s fruit and vegetable producers’ association, APROA, revealed. The association pointed out that 95 per cent of these materials were recycled, adding that there was no substitute for plastic in the… Read more: No substitute for plastics
- Russia’s daily Covid deaths hit new historical highRussia’s daily Covid death rate has created a new historical high by passing 1,000 for the first time. Russia’s daily Covid deaths hit a new historical high of 1,002 deaths linked to COVID-19 today, Saturday, October 16- the highest such figure since the pandemic began. New COVID-19 cases, confirmed in the past 24 hours, also… Read more: Russia’s daily Covid deaths hit new historical high
- The reasons car insurance in Spain risesMany people are finding that when they need to renew their car insurance in Spain the price has risen. Although insurance companies cannot raise the price without notifying the owner at least two months in advance unless otherwise stated on the policy, it is worth knowing some of the factors that will cause the increase… Read more: The reasons car insurance in Spain rises
- A foreigner’s guide to understanding Spanish politics in five minutesDo you find all the different political parties, regional parliaments, and coalition governments in Spain a bit confusing? Don’t know PSOE from PP? Deputies from Senators? The Local has broken down the Spanish political system in simple terms, and looks ahead to what could come in the next couple of years.
- Breaking: Powerful 4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes the island of BaliA powerful 4.8 magnitude has struck the Indonesian island of Bali. At least three people have died in Bali after a powerful 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Indonesian island in the early hours of Saturday, October 16, damaging buildings and leaving people trapped and screaming for help in the rubble. The earthquake damaged buildings in… Read more: Breaking: Powerful 4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes the island of Bali
- China’s new space station welcomes astronauts for record stayLatest vessel docks for a six-month stay at the new space station Chinese state media has announced the successful docking of its latest rocket, the Shenzhou-13. Three astronauts are on board and look to spend six months working at China’s new space station. This is the longest crewed mission to date, twice as long as… Read more: China’s new space station welcomes astronauts for record stay
- Robert Lewandowski linked with Man City moveBayern Munich star Robert Lewandowski linked with a move to Man City Bayern Munich star Robert Lewandowski is being tipped for a summer move to Premier League champions, Manchester City. This news comes from the mouth of a reliable source, his agent, Pini Zahavi. Pep Guardiola’s side was linked with a move for the prolific… Read more: Robert Lewandowski linked with Man City move
- Breathalyser engine immobilisers to be mandatory in vehicles by July 2022Breathalyser engine immobilisers to be mandatory in all vehicles by July 2022 According to the Directorate-General of Traffic (DGT), driving while intoxicated is one of the main causes of accidents on the roads in Spain. As a result, they are striving to eradicate this situation, and have come up with a way of combatting it.… Read more: Breathalyser engine immobilisers to be mandatory in vehicles by July 2022
- The famous ‘Little Vatican’ town located in BurgosThe tiny town located in Burgos known as the ‘Little Vatican’ In the province of Burgos in northern Spain, you will find the municipality of Hornillos del Camino. It is a small town with less than 100 registered inhabitants. The town is known as the ‘Little Vatican’, due to the unusual fact that the majority of… Read more: The famous ‘Little Vatican’ town located in Burgos
- World Cup 2030 bid by UK and Ireland looks set to be rejectedUK and Ireland’s World Cup 2030 bid looks set to be rejected by UEFA According to sources in UEFA, and the Irish government, the joint bid to stage the 2030 World Cup by the UK and the Republic of Ireland looks ready to be rejected by UEFA. These sources have claimed that as soon as… Read more: World Cup 2030 bid by UK and Ireland looks set to be rejected
- Madrid judge annulls a fine for a parked car not displaying an ITVA judge in Madrid has annulled a fine given to a parked vehicle for not displaying an ITV sticker A judge in Madrid has annulled a fine of €200 euros that was given to the owner of a parked vehicle that had not passed the technical inspection of vehicles, or ITV. The judge established that… Read more: Madrid judge annulls a fine for a parked car not displaying an ITV
- Search intensifies for missing Malaga military diver in HuescaThe search has intensified in Huesca for the missing military diver from Malaga As the search continues for the Malaga-born Army sergeant, Mario Quiros Ruiz, the military diver reported missing last Tuesday, October 12, a motorised robot with underwater cameras has been drafted in to help. The young soldier – who would have been 23-years-old… Read more: Search intensifies for missing Malaga military diver in Huesca
- Terrorist incident declared over killing of MP David AmessA terrorist incident has been declared over the killing of Tory MP David Amess. Tory MP Sir David Amess, 69, was stabbed multiple times at a constituency surgery yesterday, Friday, October 15, at a church in Essex. Police who attended the scene at Belfairs Methodist Church in Leigh-on-Sea have now declared his death as a… Read more: Terrorist incident declared over killing of MP David Amess
- Flights between the UK and US to resume from NovemberFlights between the UK and US are to resume from November 8 after a 19-month ban. The US-imposed travel ban, which has lasted 19 months amid the coronavirus pandemic, will be scrapped from 8 November- with only fully vaccinated Britons able to travel. Previously, anyone without US citizenship was barred from travelling to the US… Read more: Flights between the UK and US to resume from November
- Earthquake of 3.6 magnitude shakes MurciaAn earthquake measuring 3.6 magnitude shakes Murcia An earthquake measuring a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter has shaken the province of Murcia in Spain this Friday, October 15. It occurred at around 7.41pm. According to provisional data from the National Geographic Institute (IGN), its epicentre is reported to have been in the town of Fortuna,… Read more: Earthquake of 3.6 magnitude shakes Murcia
- The spectacular five-masted ‘Royal Clipper’ docks in MalagaThe spectacular five-masted ‘Royal Clipper’ sailing ship docks in Malaga A ship that until a few months ago was considered to be the world’s largest tourist sailboat has once again docked in the Port of Malaga today, Friday, October 15. The stunning five-masted Royal Clipper is on a 19-day itinerary heading from Cannes in the… Read more: The spectacular five-masted ‘Royal Clipper’ docks in Malaga
- ‘Sexitanos Artists in Nerja’ exhibitionNerja Municipal Exhibition Hall is hosting the ‘Sexitanos Artists in Nerja’. The Councillor for Culture, Gema Laguna, informs that the Municipal Exhibition Hall is hosting the exhibition ‘Sexitanos Artists in Nerja’. The exhibition will feature works by Antonio J. Arellano, Martin Morales, Paco Ariza, Dolores Salado, J. Martin and Mariangeles Raya. It can be visited… Read more: ‘Sexitanos Artists in Nerja’ exhibition
- La Vila pays tributeVILLAJOYOSA decorated members of the Policia Local, Proteccion Civil and the public health system for their services during the pandemic. The awards event at Villajoyosa’s Auditorium, attended by the local authorities and the central government’s sub-delegate Maria Araceli Poblador, was included in a ceremony honouring the Guardian Angels, the Policia Local’s patron saints. Jose Alvarez,… Read more: La Vila pays tribute
- German couple take refuge on boat as volcano threatens their homeA German couple have taken refuge on a boat as the La Palma volcano threatens their Spanish home. Juergen Doelz and his girlfriend Jacqueline Rehm were in the process of selling their boat on La Palma when the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted. They have now been forced to flee their Spanish home and move onto the… Read more: German couple take refuge on boat as volcano threatens their home
- British consul’s Benidorm visitBENIDORM’S mayor Toni Perez has hosted a town hall meeting for the British consult, Sarah-Jane Morris. “The meeting focused on coordinating and analysing the evolution of the British tourist market since the beginning of the pandemic,” a town hall communique explained. Also present were Benidorm’s Policia Nacional and Policia Local commissioners, representatives from the Attention… Read more: British consul’s Benidorm visit
- What is ‘Squid Game’? A look into the Netflix phenomenon of the yearA dystopian drama set in South Korea, Squid Game is a runaway hit No one would have thought that a decade-old script full of gore and anti-capitalist rhetoric would be the thing to knock period drama Bridgerton from the Netflix top spot. However, the last year has had stranger things happen, and so we have… Read more: What is ‘Squid Game’? A look into the Netflix phenomenon of the year
- La Palma volcano has a new mouth emitting ash and pyroclastsLa Palma volcano has a new mouth emitting ash and pyroclasts A new eruptive mouth has opened this Friday, October 15, on the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Canary Island of La Palma. As reported by Ruben Fernandez, the provisional technical director of Pevolca, this new mouth appeared to the southeast of the main cone of… Read more: La Palma volcano has a new mouth emitting ash and pyroclasts
- What is ‘Squid Game’? A look into the Netflix phenomenon of the yearA dystopian drama set in South Korea, Squid Game is a runaway hit No one would have thought that a decade-old script full of gore and anti-capitalist rhetoric would be the thing to knock period drama Bridgerton from the Netflix top spot. However, the last year has had stranger things happen, and so we have… Read more: What is ‘Squid Game’? A look into the Netflix phenomenon of the year
- Slow down pleaseTHE Cami Vell de Teulada and Les Fonts crossroads in Benitachell is to have a traffic roundabout. The area has heavy vehicle flow and as both roads are wide without any traffic-calming obstacles, residents are increasingly concerned about the dangers to pedestrians and their pets. Benitachell mayor Miguel Angel Garcia explained that the €48,236 project,… Read more: Slow down please
- Spain achieves presidency of United Nations World Food Security CommitteeThe United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CSA) has elected Gabriel Ferrero as its new president. The election with the United Nations Committee took place during the 49th meeting of the CSA and the candidacy of Gabriel Ferrero obtained 73 votes, while the Cameroonian representative Medi Moungui received 48 supporters. The Committee on World… Read more: Spain achieves presidency of United Nations World Food Security Committee
- Huge sunfish caught off Ceuta needs two cranes to lift itHuge sunfish weighing more than 1000 kilos caught in the waters of Ceuta An incredible catch was made in the waters off the coast of Ceuta, the Spanish autonomous city on the north coast of Africa. A monster sunfish was discovered trapped in the fishing nets of the UEDO networks on October 4, something which… Read more: Huge sunfish caught off Ceuta needs two cranes to lift it
- Formula One announces its 2022 calendarFormula One has announced its calendar for the 2022 season A press release from the Formula 1 Press Office came out today, Friday, October 15, as follows: Formula 1 has today announced the calendar for the 2022 FIA Formula One World Championship which has been submitted to the World Motor Sport Council and approved. The… Read more: Formula One announces its 2022 calendar
- La Peana sends out an SOSIT will cost €80,000 to prop up Seron’s ancient holm oak, La Peana, to help it survive the winter. The tree, which the Junta declared a Natural Monument in 2019, is 1,300 years old and each of its 19 branches requires propping up. Speaking to a Cadena SER Levante interviewer, Manuel Perez Sola who is… Read more: La Peana sends out an SOS
- Da Bruno launches lasting legacy to Giuseppina Filippone with new cocktail barDA BRUNO Sul Mare has today, Friday, October 15 opened its glittering new cocktail bar in memory of the group’s founder, Giuseppina Filippone. Members of Marbella Council, the Junta de Andalucia and the press were present alongside local business greats and the Da Bruno family to inaugurate Marbella’s latest place to be seen. Bruno Filippone… Read more: Da Bruno launches lasting legacy to Giuseppina Filippone with new cocktail bar
- Drones being used to carry out reforestation projects in SpainDrones are being used to carry out reforestation projects in Spain Drones are being used in Spanish provinces to enable the reforesting of desertified areas within their territories. Using this unique new planting method involves the use of a drone from the startup COU Revolution. This has recently become the tool used by many Spanish… Read more: Drones being used to carry out reforestation projects in Spain
- ‘Bricks’ making a comeback? Re-release of Nokia 6310 suggests soThe iconic Nokia 6310 is revamped and raring to go As it reached its 20th anniversary, Nokia has decided to bring back the ‘almost indestructible’ 6310 mobile phone. Although the specs have been upgraded, the ‘classic silhouette’ remains. The display has been upgraded in size from a 1.8-inch screen but only by one more… Read more: ‘Bricks’ making a comeback? Re-release of Nokia 6310 suggests so
- Four dead and 21 missing in boat wreck off Cadiz coastFour dead and 21 missing from boat wreck off the coast of Cadiz Salvamento Maritimo sources have confirmed that four people are dead, and another 21 are missing, after a boat sunk in the waters off the coast of Cadiz province, in southwest Spain. It is reported that a passing ship had informed the emergency… Read more: Four dead and 21 missing in boat wreck off Cadiz coast
- Three arrested in Fuengirola and Mijas after huge cocaine bust in AtlanticThree arrested in Fuengirola and Mijas after huge cocaine bust on a boat in the Atlantic Three people have been arrested in Mijas and Fuengirola as the result of ‘Operation Midas-Ballestrinque’. A sailboat with two and a half tons of cocaine was intercepted off the Azores, en route for Vigo. It was boarded by officers from the… Read more: Three arrested in Fuengirola and Mijas after huge cocaine bust in Atlantic
- 11 Alicante life hacks that will make you feel like a localSpain’s Alicante province is home to 375,000 foreigners, but even in a sunny easy-going place where many choose to retire, life can have its challenges. Here are 11 hacks that will make life on the Costa Blanca run more smoothly for you.